boardgame- Modeling boardgames
Safe HaskellNone



This module is useful if you wish to create web UI through the use of WebAssembly and regular web technologies.

Our complementary boardgame.js JavaScript library can be useful as it contains the necessary JavaScript functions and some extra helper functions.

Usage example


Imagine a PositionalGame called TicTacToe, with a function newTicTacToe that instantiates it. If you wish to build a web UI for the game, you can use the default way of exposing the Haskell model to the JavaScript runtime:

main = defaultWebGame newTicTacToe

After that, the game can be started form the JavaScript runtime with the function

Multiple games

If you also have another game, say Hex with a function newHex. And you want to play both from the same UI you can instead use the following method.

main = do
  addWebGame "TicTacToe" newTicTacToe
  addWebGame "Hex" newHex

With this, the JavaScript runtime can access both games through the object. and respectively.

The webReady call is used to invoke the window.boardgame.initialized event.


Compile with Asterius and the wasm flag active.

ahc-cabal new-build --flags="wasm"


playWeb :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON c, FromJSON c, PositionalGame a c) => a -> IO () #

Plays a PositionalGame with the help of JavaScript FFI. The state of the game (a) needs to implement ToJSON and the coordinates (c) needs to implement FromJSON. This is because they need to be passed to and from (respectively) the JavaScript runtime.

defaultWebGame :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON c, FromJSON c, PositionalGame a c) => a -> IO () #

A main function for running games as a web app. Initializes the provided game as "default" and "tells" JavaScript it's ready. Then JavaScript can start games whenever.

addWebGame :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON c, FromJSON c, PositionalGame a c) => String -> a -> IO () #

Adds a named game to the list of games accessible from JavaScript.

webReady :: IO () #

Lets JavaScript know that the Haskell backend is up and running by firing the ready event.